Solar Farm Info
- 4000 panels, 1.8Mw AC capacity generating 1.4 Mw AC to the grid
- Bridge St Goulburn, on about 2.2 hectares of industrial land
- $4.8M cost (subsidised by a grant of $2.1M from the NSW Government)
- 2300 kWh battery to store energy and sell when the price is right
- Renewable energy generated, carbon footprint reduced
Originally conceived by Community Energy for Goulburn (a related community association) in 2014, and supported by a feasibility study in 2016, the Goulburn Community Energy Cooperative (GCEC) was formed in mid-2020 as the investment vehicle to take the project forward.
Anyone in the local region can invest in this project, receive a return on their investment, and be part of a community-led initiative to reduce Goulburn’s carbon footprint by producing electricity in our own region.
What is Community Energy?
Community energy projects are financed and owned by the community, who control, manage and operate the project. The community also share in the profits it generates. There are many variations on this model, especially in Europe and the USA, and while it is a relatively new concept in Australia, there is now increasing interest in the idea and some state governments are now supporting the growth in this sector.
Check out these other projects in Australia:
- Hepburn Wind Farm (Vic)
- Enova Energy (NSW)
- SolarShare (ACT)
- REPower Shoalhaven (NSW)
- Denmark (WA)
The Goulburn Solar Farm project is designed to give priority to local investors from the Goulburn Mulwaree LGA, but is open to others not located locally provided priority is given to local investors
Get Involved
Progress to Date:
February 2022 – Here are some milestones since last update:
- We have finalised negotiation with a construction / development company (Komo Energy) that will oversee the building of the farm and have now signed a contract agreement with them. They completed preliminary design work and tendered for the construction of the farm.
- The Cooperative registered in August 2020 and first AGM held October 2020. Board appointed.
- EPC consortium announced to construct the farm
- New battery, inverter, transformer design completed and submitted to Essential Energy
- Capital raising at over $2M as of January 2022
- Long lead item (Fimer inverter / transformer) ordered December 2021
- Essential Energy approved Static modelling January 2022
- Investment opportunity expanded in February 2022 to include areas outside the Region, principally to meet the extra funds required to enlarge the battery
The Next Steps:
- Finalise Dynamic modelling and submission to Essential Energy – February 2022
- Modification to the DA to accommodate the new battery design and skid mounted Fimer inverter – February 2022
- Order mid lead items – March 2022
- Commence work on site by June 2022.
Get in Touch
Make an enquiry or ask us any questions you might have.